Useful Resources

If you experience workplace violence, you can obtain information or assistance from a number of professional networks.

For women

Help and Information Center on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

The Help and Information Center on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace offers support to people seeking moral guidance and practical techniques for defending in a workplace where there exists sexual or psychological harassment. The Center also functions as a consulting agency for businesses interested in updating or implementing internal policies aimed at the prevention and awareness of harassment and its consequences.



Montreal Sexual Assault Centre 

The Montreal Sexual Assault Centre offers free and confidential counselling services over the phone, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to victims of sexual assault.



YWCA Montreal

The YWCA Montreal works to prevent violence, promote the development of skills, self-esteem and autonomy, and to promote personal growth in women and girls.



L’R des Centres de femmes du Québec

The “R des Centres de femmes du Québec” is a telephone referral service for women’s centres in various districts of Montreal (information, individual support, psychosocial intervention, etc.).

www.rcentres.qc.ca (French only)


Women’s Centre of Montréal

The Women’s Centre of Montréal offers professional and educational services, as well as counselling and guidance for women in need. The Centre plays an important role in improving women’s quality of life.



For all

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers free and confidential services to solve problems that hinder job performance. EAP is offered by most organizations. It includes a wide range of services and brings together professionals who provide a high level of care in specific areas. EAP provides a free and confidential crisis line, accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and counseling with well-qualified mental health professionals.



Local Community Service Centres (CLSCs)

CLSCs offer health and social services and, when necessary, direct the client to the facility, agency or personnel that is most capable of providing assistance.



Info Santé 8-1-1

Info-Santé-8-1-1 is a free and confidential telephone consultation service, accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This number permits you to speak with a nurse in the case of a non-urgent health problem. A social worker is also on-call to respond to emergencies and, when necessary, will direct you to the most appropriate source of assistance within the health network.



Ordre des psychologues du Québec (OPQ)

The central mission of the Ordre des Psychologues du Québec is to protect the public. OPQ ensures quality service provision by members, promotes development of the profession and works to keep psychological services accessible to the public.



Crime Victims Assistance Centre (CAVAC)

CAVAC provides frontline services to all victims of crime and their relatives, as well as witnesses of crime. This assistance is available regardless of whether the perpetrator has been identified, apprehended, prosecuted or convicted.



Centres de justice de proximité (CJP)

“Centres de justice de proximité” are organizations throughout Quebec that offer free legal information, support and counselling. As officially recognized information and reference sites, they work closely with citizens in order to make justice more accessible and to increase confidence in the Justice System.

www.justicedeproximite.qc.ca (French only)


Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST)

The CSST provides assistance (in French) to workers and employers in their efforts to eliminate workplace hazards. It’s mission is to promote health and safety, oversee compensation for workers who have suffered a workplace injury and the rehabilitation of workers who, because of an occupational injury, suffer from a permanent physical or psychological impairment.



Commission des normes du travail (CNT)

The CNT will answer your questions about any aspect of the law that concerns labour standards and regulations. It also offers information about the procedures for filing a complaint with the CNT.



Au bas de l’échelle

“Au bas de l’échelle” is an organization advocating for the education and rights of non-unionized workers. It provides information and training on labour rights (for example, dismissals, psychological harassment and other prohibited practices). It also offers a telephone information service concerning labour rights and labour regulations (for example, appeals against psychological harassment in the workplace).

www.aubasdelechelle.ca (French only)


Centres de crise du grand Montréal (RCCGM)

These centres offer free services to people in a crisis situation for people from Montreal, Laval and the Laurentians.

www.rccgm.com (French only)


Suicide Action Montreal (SAM)

Suicide Action Montreal offers services to suicidal individuals, their relatives and anyone else affected by suicide (including interventionists). The service is confidential and free.
